Enroll Patients
Enrollment is initiated online by a healthcare provider, and then registration is completed by the patient online or via phone. You need 8 simple pieces of information about the patient to initiate patient enrollment:
- First and last name
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Last 4 digits of social security number
- Zip code
- Phone #
- Patient’s caregiver or designated secondary contact
Enrollment Steps
First, log-in to the electronic enrollment page above with the credentials provided to you by NMSOAP. If you don’t already have them, request credentials by emailing inquiry@nmsoap.com. Please include your name, the name of your practice, phone number, address and an administrative contact at the practice, if applicable.
Submit the electronic enrollment form. The e-enrollment form collecting patient contact information can be easily completed by a pharmacist, physician, or affiliated staff. As an important part of this initial enrollment process, pharmacies and physician’s offices are asked to complete or verify a HIPAA release with the participating patient prior to enrollment. Completion of a signed HIPAA release form must be verified online. While submission of a copy of the signed HIPPA form is not required, there is the option to upload an e-copy to NMSOAP or to fax a copy to 301.388.5912.
Once enrolled by a healthcare provider, participating patients will create their own unique log-in account and password, be prompted to electronically sign Informed Consent and Release of Records forms, and then can take their first survey. (If patients do not have regular access to a computer, they can complete registration via the NMSOAP helpline and complete surveys via phone.)
Link patient electronic health record to the NMSOAP database, as permissioned under the patient’s NMSOAP Informed Consent and Release of Records forms. (Technical instructions on linking your EHR system to NMSOAP will be provided.)
Now, you can follow your patients’ ongoing progress via your NMSOAP dashboard.